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"Chi Theta Phi allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I was a transfer student and wanted a community to connect too. I thought about joining clubs but I wanted deeper connections. I will forever be grateful I joined about Chi Theta Phi and found my home among the hummingbirds!"

-Mia Reese/ MC 20'/ Senior and Past President

"As an art student at a school with a fairly small art program, I didn’t get to know a lot of other students interested in art my first couple terms. When I joined Chi Theta Phi, I met a community of women who are creative and I could share my artistic achievements with them. I think that we have a really kind and supportive group and am really grateful for the work that we all put in to make it welcoming. Being surrounded by the amazing people in our chapter who are driven and ambitious is inspiring and motivates me to try new things and take the creative opportunities that OSU offers. I have learned a lot from the women in our chapter and have made a lot of really good friends."

-Eva Israelsen/ MC 22'/ VP Ritual

"I found Chi Theta Phi when I transferred to OSU in fall of my 2nd year, however, I never actually went to a recruitment event until spring that year! I had a (now alumnified member) in a class and she said we have tote bag painting recruitment and I said bet and the rest was history. I have met some of my closest friends through this chapter and it has really taken me from a homebody and introvert into someone who actually does things in her free time. I really love connecting with everyone and I love how much creative inspiration I get from everyone!"

-Ally Antush/ MC 21'/ Senior

"I found Chi Theta Phi at the first business event of my very first term here and I by chance walked up to the table. I had a great conversation and figured I would give it a shot and go to recruitment. I have always loved art so I figured it would be a great fit.I love being in Chi Theta Phi because all the people are so welcoming and kind. I always feel comfortable when I come to chapter or go to an event. I just love being a part of such an awesome community."

-Emma Abrams/ MC 23'/ President

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